Andrea Carroll

Andrea Carroll began practicing yoga in 2001 as part of her curriculum at UW-Milwaukee where she received her BFA in Dance Performance & Certificate in Strength Training and Conditioning. From 2000 - 2018 she performed & taught a variety of classes ranging from modern dance technique to fitness & strength classes, including Zumba/Dance Fitness, as well as choreographed for competitive cheer teams. In 2014 Andrea became a full-time Fitness Trainer for a corporate company where she began incorporating some yoga techniques into her training sessions. She witnessed the relief and benefits it gave her clients & saw a real need for yoga among people who primarily work at a desk. She earned her 200hr-RYT certification in 2018 from YogaOne & began the first-ever yoga program at the company she worked for, teaching classes for its corporate employees. Andrea left the company in 2022 to stay home with her young daughter & is excited to bring her passion for teaching to YogaOne.


Amy Cunningham


Anja Pustaver