Ela Ropek

Embark on a transformative yoga journey with Ela, a dedicated and passionate yoga instructor at YogaOne Studio. With a deep reverence for the mind-body connection and vibrant energy, Ela's classes create a space where students can find physical vitality and mental serenity.

Ela's teaching philosophy centers around cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness through yoga. Her classes blend dynamic movement with moments of stillness, inviting you to explore the nuances of your practice on and off the mat. With a focus on alignment and breath, Ela's guidance empowers you to deepen your practice and embrace your inner strength.

Join Ela's classes to experience the joy of movement, the power of breath, and the beauty of mindfulness. Through her compassionate teaching, you'll discover how yoga can harmonize your body, mind, and spirit, guiding you toward a more balanced and fulfilled life.


Dawn Stacey


Haley Grebe